We spoke in one language — to have a seat at the table, to have our voices heard, to have youth expertise compensated, and to lead.

After 30 years since the landmark first International Conference on Population and Development was held in Cairo, Egypt, 179 leaders affirmed that inclusive sustainable development is not possible without prioritizing human rights— including reproductive rights, empowering women and girls, and addressing inequalities along with the needs, aspirations, and rights of individuals. 

This year, we celebrate 30 years of progressively working for human development and identifying and recognizing our challenges and gaps, but most importantly, forging a common front for the next generation. The event was an intensely meaningful two-day global dialogue that set a pace for other activities for the ICPD 30 celebrations.

After engaging and participating in this dialogue, I left with a powerful sense of inspiration and purpose. 

For today’s generation of 1.9 billion young people, these were my major takeaways from the #ICPD30 Global Youth Dialogue. 


I am trying to find a synonym to replace ‘global’ but in the absence of a satisfactory one, I will stick to saying, “a Global Dialogue;” after all, that was what it was intended to be. The two days in between sessions and plenaries in Cotonou, Benin certainly gave meaning and essence of participation to the over 400 young people and leaders who gathered to speak on behalf of the 1.9 billion youths across the globe. Our voices spoke one language, to have a seat at the table, to have our voices heard, to have youth expertise compensated, to lead. In the two days, it was a global language of saying nothing for us, without us.  


After these two days of dialogue, I am confident and can boldly say that the mantle to finishing and achieving the ICPD Plan of Action has been passed. Let me again reiterate and re-echo these words by Dr Natalia Kanem, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund during the opening ceremony of the ICPD@30 Global Youth Dialogue; when she said, "Look around, feel the energy of the hearts and minds connected from people and activists from all over the world. Know that this is your SPACE, to SPEAK, to LISTEN, this is your AGENDA, and you are the designers of where you want to go NEXT!” And so without any iota of doubt, we the young people of this generation, the largest ever lived, have set off on this path. Unto the next 10, maybe 20 or even the next 30. To realize rights and freedom for all. 


Throughout the sessions and the plenaries, one energy resonated among the young people present. It was a strong sense and feel of ever-ready youths eager to take this agenda forward. As I spoke to other young people while reporting for the Family Planning News Network, this theme resonated as many young people stated how they were right from the grassroot levels, in their communities, in policy dialogues and spaces in their countries, influencing and creating change in achieving the Programme of Action (PoA). What else do we need to say? Young people are ready to lead this cause. 


The diversity and inclusive participation of young people proved a clear indication that in this new journey, this generation was not leaving anyone behind. From different countries and colors, to indigenous and disabled youth, adolescents, etc., all persons were represented. This new vision is one that will carry everyone along — as was also seen and experienced through meaningful partnership, intergenerational dialogues, mentorship, and leaders who promised to support and guide us on this journey — we hope to identify challenges and reimagine the ICPD PoA for a new generation; to recognize and celebrate young people as development partners and ensure the ICPD remains relevant for future decades.

As we move forward, nothing on this road is new, No! We are not reinventing the wheel to start afresh, we are gallantly moving on the shoulders of what our leaders started 30 years ago. Of what progress they achieved in the last 30. We move with this baton and run towards an equal world for all. Where there are rights for all, choices for all.

It is indeed “A New Generation’s Vision for the Future”. Don’t be left out.  In your community! In your Country!

With your Innovation and Energy! BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE.


Dr. T chats with the Black Mamas Matter Alliance at IMNHC 2023


Intergenerational Dialogues & Engaging Young People in the Supply Chain